10 Home Remedies to Combat Holiday Stress (That Actually Work!)


Originally published on Annmarie Gianni All Natural Skincare Blog.

You made it through Thanksgiving. Start by giving yourself a pat on the back, because you’re half-way through.

While we’re all thankful for so much in life, I can promise all the stressors of the holiday season did not make that very long list. Between navigating touchy conversations with estranged relatives over turkey dinners, hosting parties, attending many many parties, work deadlines, pinching pennies for the perfect present, managing unrealistic expectations, and the travel involved with all of it, mental health can take a toll during this time.

Don’t get me wrong, we love the season of giving, but it’s easy to lose that holiday cheer when your stress level is through the roof.

10 Tips to Help Combat The Stress Brought By The Holidays

This year, take some time to manage your stress so you can enjoy the holidays to the fullest. We’ve put together a list of 10 home remedies to seasonal stress.

They’re easy, quick, and guaranteed to help you through the holidays and your lineup of crazy aunts and uncles.

1. Meditation

Meditating is the best way to reduce holiday stress, because it’s an opportunity to refocus your energy. You are making an effort to be self-reflective and aware of the root of your feelings.

When you meditate you can make a conscious effort to focus on the good around you instead of worrying about how many presents still need wrapping.

if you find meditating in silence hard…

Nowadays there are mobile apps that teach you how to meditate and even help you remember to make time for it. You can find an app that’s perfect for you, offering guided meditations based on the type of meditation, the benefits you’re looking for, or the emotions you’re currently feeling.

2. Burning Palo Santo

Palo Santo is dried wood that comes from a South African tree and is thought to be very connected to spirituality. The name palo santo translates to “holy wood” and the sweet scent is suppose to have strong healing properties.

how to use palo santo to calm

Palo santo, also known as smudge sticks, are used for spiritual purification and cleansing the energy of a space. After hustling and bustling, trying to make everything work for the holidays, it’s easy to forget about the presence you’re bringing to your home.

Our personal space should always be held as sacred, but when we let our stress take over we invite negative energy into our space. Burning palo santo will clear out the lingering bad juju in your space so you can start fresh with constructive intentions.

3. Herbal bath

Setting aside time to take a warm, herbal bath filled with soothing scents will help you decompress from even the toughest day. It’s important to take time out of the busy holiday schedule just for yourself.

any easy DIY

So pick your favorite scents or focus on herbs that are suppose to destress, like lavender, chamomile, peppermint, and rose, and add the actual plant right into your bath water. If you prefer less cleanup you can add about 10-25 drops of an organic essential oil into your bathtub.

4. Anti-stress tea blend

Similar to crafting your perfect bath, you can create an anti-stress tea blend to help calm the nerves and ease anxiety. There are many herbs specifically used for muscle relaxing and easing tension.


You can choose your favorites and make a warming tea blend. Here are a few options:

•    Peppermint
•    Chamomile
•    Lemon
•    Passion flower
•    Green tea
•    Rose tea

5. Exercise

Physical activity in any form is a great natural de-stressor.

Starting with yoga, or a form of stretching to warm up and cool down, will help you loosen and relax your muscles. Getting the blood pumping with some cardio will burn off extra energy you’re probably spending on worrying.


6. Writing

Writing in a journal can help destress on many levels. The most basic level it can help you collect your thoughts, organize your day, and prioritize your mayhem.

On a deeper level, you can use writing to explore your emotions around everything from family dynamics to what the season truly means to you.

7. Craft for the holidays

Doing some fun and rhythmic crafting can put you in a meditative and creative mindset. Using your hands to create something you will then be able to proudly display around your home will also make you feel accomplished.

Head over to Pinterest and find a DIY activity to take your mind off the upcoming gatherings.

8. Keep a gratitude list

Make gratitude a habit by keeping a gratitude list this year. Every day for 21 days (that’s how long it takes for habits to form) list three different things you are grateful for. Set a reminder on your phone to start out with and by the end of the 21 days you won’t need it.

focus on the positive

Refocusing on the good things in life will help you cope with the negative aspects stressing you out. I find it’s more effective the more specific you get. Why exactly are you grateful for your friends?

9. Choose a fun activity

We have to try to remember the holidays are supposed to be fun.

Choose a holiday activity you love or something you’ve always wanted to try, like ice-skating, caroling, playing dreidel games, or taking a photo with mall Santa.

10. Volunteer your time

Volunteering your time, money or voice during the holidays will help you focus on what the season is all about.

It can be as elaborate as planning a toy drive or spending a day at the food bank, or as simple as giving money to a charity you respect.

How do you destress during the holidays? Let us know in the comments below.


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