Explore the latest trends in All-Natural Health, beauty, & Wellness.

Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

Detox Your Armpits

I’ve been carrying around the guilt of aluminum-laced deodorant for years now. I know it’s bad for me, I know it’s linked to cancer, but I have no choice—I’m stinky. Until now!

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

Here’s How to Save Your Skin This Summer

Summer’s here and that means sunburns, salt, sweat and so much more. Here are some little-known remedies for keeping your skin hydrated and healthy despite all your fun in the sun.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

A Detox Ritual For Your Body + Spirit

Now, more than ever, we need to make sure we’re taking care of our health and wellness. Double up on your vitamin C, don’t forget to wash your hands, keep your distance, and minimize stress as best as you can.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

7 Reasons We Love Burning Incense 

Incense has been used as a staple in spiritual practices since humans started philosophizing about the nature of our existence. Let’s get philosophical.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

6 Supplements for Dry Skin

Nothing screams HEALTH like glowing, vibrant skin. For skin hydration, we generally focus on what we’re putting ON on our bodies, but have you considered what’s going IN your body?

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

DIY How to Clean Your Makeup Brush

Have you ever fallen in love with a new foundation only to suspect down the road that it’s clogging you up and giving you pimples? Think again! The issue may be your brush.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

7 Steps to a New Year’s Wellness Reset

January brings an overwhelming feeling of readiness and newness. Something is pulling us into our new selves, but before we follow the flow of transformation we need to make sure we are tending to our personal wellness.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

Herbs & Spiced For Anti-Aging

Aging can be a beautiful process filled with self-exploration and love. Oftentimes, we are told to be embarrassed of our signs of aging, but we believe each line has a story.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

What is Ghee? (And How to Make Your Own)

If you’re like me, you’ve heard rumors that ghee is sooo much better than butter, but never really quite understood what it was, it’s benefits, or how to use it.

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