6 Supplements for Dry Skin


Originally published on Annmarie Gianni All Natural Skincare Blog.

Nothing screams HEALTH like glowing, vibrant skin. Some of us struggle more than others to keep our skin hydrated and most of us rely solely on a sporadic lotion application… But have you ever considered supplements to help boost the glow out of your dry skin?

For those of us that can’t seem to get rid of dry or ashy skin, it is clear we need more than lotion or the Herbal Facial Oil for Sensitive Skin to properly hydrate our skin. Drinking water is a great start and getting your eight ounces a day will definitely help hydrate dry skin. But many of us are still missing vital nutrients that play a key role in keeping our skin glowing.

The Importance of skin hydration

Not only is dry skin itchy, blotchy and uncomfortable, but it also is a huge part of the aging process. Nowadays, you see anti-aging products lining the shelves at every convenience store, infomercials breaking down the science of aging, and a new “cure” for wrinkles every month. People are spending ridiculous amounts of money to try and reverse time.

There is no cure for aging; it is part of the life cycle. We should be proud of the years that show on our skin and relish the memories that come with them. We believe in loving your lines, but that does not mean there aren’t preventative measures that can give us a youthful, vibrant appearance as we age.

Preventative Measures

Since you can’t get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, or sunspots naturally, your best bet in looking young as you mature is to start preventative measures now. I mean NOW, however old you are. Even if you are a teenager, it’s never too soon to treat your skin with the respect and nourishment it deserves.

The most important part of anti-aging is keeping your skin hydrated. When you let your skin dry out, it becomes more susceptible to sun damage and cell damage, leading to sun spots and wrinkles.

Supplements for Dry Skin

To stay properly hydrated we need to give our skin a nutritious foundation. It is important to incorporate certain supplements into your skin care routines and make skin hydration a daily mission.

We have surveyed top healthcare professionals to compile a list of the best vitamins and supplements you can take to hydrate your skin from the inside out.

Vitamin E

Celebrity nutritionist Elissa Goodman explains the best way to reap the benefits of vitamin E:

“Vitamin E can be used as both a supplement and as a topical remedy for dry skin. When taken orally, vitamin E's powerful antioxidant properties can help to protect the skin from further damage. Plus, it acts as an anti-inflammatory to soothe that dry, itchy redness that comes with dehydrated skin. When used topically, as a facial oil, it can help to prevent water loss from the skin, keeping it moisturized.”

Fish Oil

“Taking any kind of fish oil is like putting oil in your engine to run smoothly,” says facials and skin care creator Idli Pekar. “Fish oil is great for your heart and health but especially your skin.”

The anti-inflammatory effects of the omega-3 in fish oil will help ward off wrinkles, reduce redness, and help prevent and soothe acne.


Goodman says, “It's no wonder many lotions and creams that help to treat rashes and dry, itchy skin contain zinc. Zinc, because of its anti-inflammatory benefits, can prevent skin dryness and redness. Plus, it supports immune system–aiding enzymes that could help prevent conditions such as eczema that can cause dry skin.”

Vitamin D

It has been found that lower levels of vitamin D3 are associated with dehydrated skin. Most of us easily get enough vitamin D from the sun, but it is important for those that live in overcast or cloudy areas to be sure you are getting enough vitamin D.

Speaking with a medical professional to discuss taking a vitamin D supplement is an easy way to ensure this.


Jeffery Gladd, MD and member of the Care/of Scientific Advisory Board believes astaxanthin is a strong aid in keeping our skin hydrated. Astaxathin also happens to be a primary ingredient in our Probiotic Serum with Tremella.


Research has demonstrated this antioxidant's ability to promote skin health and prevent signs of aging,” says Gladd. “Supporting studies have also directly shown astaxanthin's role in suppressing water loss from the skin. Astaxanthin is what gives salmon and shrimp their bright coral color and is extracted from cultivated marine microalgae. As an antioxidant, astaxanthin reduces the natural oxidative stress on our skin over time and can support moisture retention to promote overall skin health.”

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is full of essential fatty acids that the body does not create on its own. We must receive these through our diet alone.

Take an evening primrose supplement will ensure that your body is getting the essential fatty acids it needs to keep your skin hydrated.

Next time you get frustrated with perpetually dry skin, try changing your skin care routine to include one or more of these supplements.


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