The Benefits of Grapeseed Oil For Your Skin And Your Health


Originally published on Annmarie Gianni All Natural Skincare Blog.

We go through phases when it comes to skin care. Back in the 90’s, people rubbed olive oil from head to toe. In the last decade, we’ve picked up on the benefits of coconut oil, rosehip oil, tea tree oil and more. But so far, most of us have neglected one of the most beneficial oils found in nature–grapeseed oil.

Grapeseed oil is the best-kept secret of the millennium and we’re here to put it on blast. It is one of the most universal oils, benefiting all skin types and enhancing everyone’s natural beauty. Whether you have oily, dry, combination, acne-prone, or sensitive skin, this dynamic oil can help you balance your skin and streamline the skincare process by tackling so many different skin issues with one product.

We’re here to help demystify grapeseed oil and show you all the benefits it has to offer. Plus, we will be giving you the best ways to use this versatile beauty product.

What is Grapeseed Oil?

It comes from…you guessed it… grape seeds. The seeds of vitis vinifera botanical, the grapes used in making wine, are crushed and mixed with a solvent to extract the oils. Although this is the most common method for extraction, some producers cold-press or expeller press the seeds to create a healthier oil that is solvent-free.

Winemakers often throw out the seeds, since they have no use in making wine. This makes accessing the seeds easy and affordable for producers, and therefore consumers as well. Since grapeseed oil is a byproduct of winemaking, it a lot more sustainable than some of the other oils (palm oil, we’re looking at you). Just another reason we love it so much.

Grapeseed oil differs from many other oils because it is extracted from the fatty part of the plant–the seed. Whereas essential oils are taken from the non-fatty parts of the plant. This fatty base makes grapeseed oil a great carrier oil. Here at Annmarie, we use grapeseed oil as the base of our Organic Herbal Facial Oil because of its immense benefits for all skin types.

What’s in Grapeseed Oil?

There are five key components of grapeseed extracts that make it our favorite for skin care.

  1. Grapeseed oil is high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. This means you’ll find lots of polyunsaturated fatty acids and high levels of linoleic acid. Those of us who are prone to acne generally have low levels of linoleic acid, so adding grapeseed oil to your beauty routine may help.

  2. It is low in saturated fat, which is hard for our bodies to process. Too much saturated fat leads to an increase in LDL cholesterol or “bad” cholesterol.

  3. It has powerful antioxidant properties. Grapeseed oil contains vitamin C and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes which help fight environmental stressors and supports anti-aging.

  4. Grapeseed oil has Flavonoids that are believed to lower the risk of heart disease by decreasing your body's concentration of LDL cholesterol.

  5. It has an abundance of vitamin E, another antioxidant that helps protect against environmental stressors and keeps your skin damage to a minimum.

Grapeseed Oil Benefits for Your Skin

Like we mentioned earlier, grapeseed oil is an absolute savior when it comes to treating a multitude of skin issues with one simple product. The benefits range from issues common to dry skin to issues found in excessively oily skin. There’s truly something in there for everyone.

  • Gentle and helpful for acne breakouts and clogged pores

  • Makes skin softer and elastic, helping reduce the appearance of aging and keeping you looking younger for longer

  • Evens out skin tone by calming the skin

  • Can help protect the skin from environmental stressors, slowing the appearance of aging

  • Temporarily reduces the appearance of redness

  • Tightens appearance of pores

  • Intensely moisturizing while balancing

  • Reduces the appearance of scars since it’s high in vitamin E

  • Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Lessens the appearance of stretch marks after continual use

  • Reduce the look of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes

  • Works as a makeup remover, easily removing even the toughest waterproof makeup

  • Works as a toner to help balance your skin

  • Can be used as oil for massage therapy, spreading its benefits over the entire body

How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Your Skin

Grapeseed oil is uber-versatile and it’s pretty hard to get it wrong. Since it is so easy to use, try to think simple. There’s no need for cotton balls, pads, or q-tips. You can apply it to the skin with just your clean hands. In its purest form, grapeseed oil can and should be applied directly to the face. We recommend doing this before bed, so you can let it sit and settle into the skin overnight, making sure you soak up all the benefits.

But there’s no reason to limit your use to just a night serum before bed. Grapeseed oil is the perfect base for any DIY cream, moisturizer or lotion. You can mix essential oils with your grapeseed oil base for different benefits and scents, much like we do in our Organic Herbal Facial Oil.

You can also use it as a base in a DIY hydrating face and body mask for times when your skin needs an extra little pick me up to stay glowy.

Don’t forget to spot test

Always remember, with any new product you want to introduce it to your skin slowly to be sure you don’t have any adverse reactions to it. We recommend starting with a spot test in which you apply the oil to your skin in a specific (and small) spot daily. Monitor it over time, giving it about 4-5 days to make sure you don’t develop a rash or reaction. Once you’ve done a spot test, apply the oil once on the first day of use, and then increase frequency when you see how your skin reacts.

Grapeseed oil can also be taken orally and you can find it in capsulated form.


Other Uses of Grapeseed Oil

Although people focus grapeseed oil on the skin, there are tons of other uses for this wonderful product. From external to internal use, it has its benefits. Here are a few versatile ways you can expand your use of the oil.

For Hair Care

It works wonders in hydrating any part of the body, so it makes sense that the scalp would benefit from it too. Creating a hair mask from grapeseed oil helps to hydrate the scalp, giving you longer, stronger hair, nourishing from the roots down and promoting hair growth. It can also reduce dandruff by keeping the skin moisturized.

For Aromatherapy

Grapeseed oil is a great stress reliever on its own, but if you want to crank up the relaxation, use it as a base to mix with essential oils. Lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood are known to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Create a blend and use it for a full body massage.

For Cooking

Another benefit of grapeseed oil is its relatively high smoke point. This means it’s great for sauteing, without accidentally frying your food. Its neutral flavor also gives you the opportunity to add in whatever flavors you desire without it overtaking the dish.

For Sexual Health

Feeling like you want to spice it up in the bedroom? Grab some grapeseed oil to use as a lubricant for when things are getting hot and heavy.

You can also ingest Grapeseed capsules to spice things up. They contain about 80% of proanthocyanidins, which are known to improve sexual health.

Risks of Grapeseed Oil

There are a few things to look out for when using grapeseed oil. Like all additions to your diet or skincare routine you want to consult with a medical professional before introducing grapeseed oil to your body. You want to be careful of it interacting with other medications and supplements in unanticipated ways. Certain common side effects include nausea, itching, stomach upset, headache, and sore throat.

Another risk to be aware of is giving your body too much Omega-6s fatty acids. When your body’s levels of Omega-6s is higher than its level of Omega-3s you have an increased risk of heart disease and obesity.

If used responsibly, grapeseed oil can nourish any type of skin. Its versatility in use and benefits makes it one of our favorite skincare products. When you make your purchase be sure to find an organic, cold-pressed oil that is solvent-free to maximize its benefits. The least processed the better, and you can find trust-worthy grapeseed oil products at many stores or online at Ann Marie. Give your skin the abundance it deserves with this super product!


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