Explore the latest trends in All-Natural Health, beauty, & Wellness.

Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

Here’s How to Save Your Skin This Summer

Summer’s here and that means sunburns, salt, sweat and so much more. Here are some little-known remedies for keeping your skin hydrated and healthy despite all your fun in the sun.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

7 Steps to a New Year’s Wellness Reset

January brings an overwhelming feeling of readiness and newness. Something is pulling us into our new selves, but before we follow the flow of transformation we need to make sure we are tending to our personal wellness.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

6 Surprising Uses for Manuka Honey

Not all honeys are created equal. Within the past decade we’ve seen a variety of honeys find their way onto our grocery shelves, giving us more choices and lots of questions.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

How to Get Your Vitamin D Fix This Winter

With shorter days and less time spent outside people all over the world suffer from a lack of vitamin D resulting in seasonal depression. Don’t let the sun’s benefits escape you this winter.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

A New Years Intention and Goal Setting Ritual

New year’s resolutions have turned into a passing fad and moved away from their true intent of making meaningful life changes. This year, change your perspective to achieve lasting results and set intentions rather than goals.

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Jessica Welch Jessica Welch

A Mindfulness Ritual for the Holidays

The holidays bring about a natural shift in personal space; we allow others in with a more generous spirit. While that is part of the beauty of the season, it can also be mentally and physically taxing.

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